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JUL 23, 2021

Shalom World to launch new weekly series entitled FAMILY on July 25

At a time when the family, which forms the bedrock of society, is coming under threat from different quarters and many young men and women are faced with questions such as “Why get married? Why have a family and kids?”, Shalom World is launching an insightful and inspiring new series every Sunday entitled FAMILY from July 25 9.30 pm (BT/EST/AEST).
Through this series, Shalom World provides in-depth answers as to why the family is the bedrock of a good society and it aims to become a channel of grace for families and for all who are preparing to walk the aisle to begin a new life.
Season 1: Townhouse sessions
Hosted in collaboration with Witness to Love ministry in the US, season one of this series is named ‘Townhouse sessions’. Each episode features an in-depth conversation with a married couple where they talk about a host of issues from a Catholic perspective such as the need to be married in church, the role of in-laws and friends, overcoming difficulties and how a family transforms into a ‘Domestic Church’. There are moments of joy and laughter, and at the same time, discussions on serious matters with couples who are in different stages of life.
At the end, there will be a conclusion with a priest summing up the Church’s perspective and giving practical tips and ways to practice it and take away what was shared.
Season 2: Discovering Coupleness
Named Discovering Coupleness, season two of this series is in collaboration with Worldwide Marriage Encounter, Australia. Each episode gives renewed hope to families encountering challenging situations in life through real-life stories of couples who learned to trust in God and face their challenges boldly in Christ. Families will share their faith journey–the story of prayer, perseverance and unfathomable trust in God–and how they weathered the storm.
Couples will share the problems they underwent, what went wrong in married life or where they erred and they will also recount their moments of loss of faith, despair and so on. Then they recount their baby steps towards the solution and how they found help and solace in Christ; the grace received through sacraments; milestones achieved and other people who gave them a helping hand. Couples will also narrate the joy ride after overcoming the rough patch and the rediscovery of the meaning of marriage.
As good families are the basic building blocks of a good society, it is essential to make people aware of the true concept of family. This series will inspire young people to say ‘YES’ to marriage and family life and help many couples who are going through a rough patch to tide over the storm with the grace of Christ.
SHALOM WORLD is a Catholic family channel, reaching out to the world with the Truth and Peace that can only be found in Jesus Christ. Offering high-definition, commercial-free, 24/7 family programs for free to enrich and evangelize, Shalom World reaches millions of English speaking people globally.
We are pleased to inform you that the four channels of Shalom World – Shalom World North America, Shalom World Europe, Shalom World Australia and SW Prayer – are available free of charge on streaming devices such as Apple TV, Roku and Amazon Fire TV. These four channels can also be viewed on the latest models of smart TVs of all leading brands in the market. 
To view these channels while on the move, the Shalom World App can be downloaded and installed on your iPhone, iPad or android handset as well as tablet. For more details, log on to To watch the live channels of Shalom World, please visit
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